Procedure For Deep Brain Stimulation - Best neurosurgeon in gurgaon

The first Deep brain stimulation surgery was done by Prof. Benabid. From then to now, much has been changed. The surgery of Deep brain stimulation occurs in few steps. The patients are advised to get admitted into the hospital a day before the surgery. The doctor evaluates the patient in great detail to determine his eligibility to undergo the procedure.

The patient undergoes Magnetic Resonance Imaging to identify the target area when the doctor inserts the electrodes. The place of insertion depends upon the type of condition. During the electrode insertion surgery, the patient is under local anaesthesia.

After the insertion of electrodes, the doctor gives one daybreak to the patient. The doctor fits the impulse generator below the clavicle, or in some cases in the abdominal cavity. The impulse generator and electrodes are connected with the help of a wire.

After the surgery is completed, the doctor sets the strength of impulse that travels from the generator to the electrodes. The patients may adjust the impulse strength anytime after the surgery.

Tag = Deep Brain Stimulation In GurgaonBest Neurologist in GurgaonSpine Surgeon In Gurgaon


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