Neurological Conditions And How To Opt Spine Surgeon in Gurgaon?



Neurological conditions may be progressive, degenerating, and life-threatening. It is important to diagnose this condition at an early stage. Look for the best neurologist of a neurosurgeon in India if you suffer from any neurological condition.

Neurological Conditions   

Various neurological conditions require consultation with experienced neurologists and neurosurgeon. Some of them are:

  • Stroke: The brain requires an uninterrupted supply of blood. In some cases, there is complete blockage or reduction in blood supply. It results in damage to brain tissues. The condition is known as the stroke.
  • Parkinson’s Disease: It is a progressive neurological condition that significantly affects the quality of life. In this disease, the person does not have control over body functions. Patients with Parkinson’s disease experience symptoms such as tremor, muscle rigidity, fatigue, constipation, and poor coordination.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: Like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease is also a progressive neurological degenerative condition. The patients with this condition have poor memory and cannot perform simple activities (in an advanced form of the disease).
  • Dementia: Dementia is a type of cognitive disorders. Not only the person with this condition has a poor memory, but there is also a reduction in thinking and reasoning skills.  The extent of the quality of life of the person affected depends upon the severity of the condition.
  • Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a condition that involves abnormal activity inside the brain. It may be restricted to one part or may cover the whole of the brain. Symptoms of epilepsy include confusion, uncontrolled movement of limb muscles, and loss of awareness and consciousness.
  • Brain tumours: An abnormal mass of cells inside the brain is a brain tumour. The tumour may be benign or malignant. The symptoms of a brain tumour depend upon the site of growth. The tumour may be primary i.e., initiates inside the brain or metastatic, i.e., spread to the brain from another body part.
  • Bell’s Palsy: Bell’s Palsy is the temporary paralysis of facial muscles. It may be due to the compression, swelling, or inflammation of the nerves that control these muscles. The cause of this condition is not known. The symptoms usually persist for a few weeks before completely disappearing.
  • Brain infection: Brain tissues may also develop infections. An infection may occur in the meninges surrounding the brain and is known as meningitis. It may also occur in the brain tissues and is known as encephalitis. When both conditions are present simultaneously, it is known as meningoencephalitis.
  • Migraine: Migraine involves severe headache generally in one side of the head. Patients also have nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sound and light. There is no complete information about the cause of migraine. The triggers of migraine include stress, sleep changes, hormonal changes, and several medications.
  • Cerebral aneurysm: There are several blood vessels present in the brain. The wall of some blood vessels becomes weak, causing dilation or ballooning. The blood vessels have the risk of rupturing suddenly without any warning.
  • Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis is believed to be an autoimmune disease. The condition affects the brain stem, cerebellum, optic nerve, and spinal cord. Myelin sheath is present on the nerves and helps in conducting the nerve signals. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath and damages it.

Opting For Best Neurologist In India

A neurological condition, in several cases, is complex. The symptoms of various conditions overlap, making the diagnosis difficult. The neurological condition requires both physical examination and psychological evaluation for diagnosis. Thus, opt for the best, experienced, and expert neurologist or neurosurgeon for diagnosis and treatment.

Following are some of the tips to consider before opting for a neurologist:

  • Experience: As neurological conditions are complex and surgery of the brain and spinal cord is risky. Thus, before opting for your consultant, you should review the profile and get information about his experience, such as in years or number of surgeries performed.
  • Education and training: Neurosurgery requires the use of advanced techniques such as minimally invasive techniques. You should google about the doctor and search for education and training. The advanced education in neurosurgery includes MS (neurosurgery) and M.Ch.
  • Success rate: The success rate of brain and spinal cord surgery is also vital both for the doctor and the hospital.
  • Association with hospitals: Diagnosis and surgery of brain diseases require advanced infrastructure, modern ICU facilities, and state-of-the-art neurorehabilitation facilities. Reputed and large hospitals provide these facilities. Get information about the hospitals to which neuro-consultant is associated.
  • Reference: Get information about the doctors from your relatives, friends, or colleagues who had undergone the treatment of the same or similar diseases.
  • Second opinion: If you are not satisfied with the treatment or want to make sure about your treatment, you always have the option of seeking a second opinion.


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